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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Sammamish, WA

location-map Sammamish, WA | (425) 600 7687

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You are in a committed relationship but feeling so lonely and frustrated. You try to communicate your needs to your partner, but each time the two of you end up in a disagreement, leaving you feeling worse than before. You feel you are out of options for how to have these discussions differently. You are unsure how the two of you can reconnect and get your needs met. You yearn for your partner to respond to your needs in a way that feels loving and accepting instead of reactive. You would love to rekindle the love you once felt in your relationship and move from being roommates back to loving partners with a satisfying sex life. There is hope for improving your relationship. My training in relational issues can help the two of you feel more love and acceptance in your relationship. Together we will get below the chatter of the daily fights over the chores to access the core issues affecting your relationship and get your needs met. You can feel connected, seen and loved again. I know how hard it is to be where you are right now. I have been there myself. You've already tried reading books and doing your own research online to find solutions to no avail. Try something different. I can help the two of you get there. Reach out now and schedule a free 15 minute consultation to see how I can help improve your relationship.