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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Seattle, WA
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I am HOPE focused. I'll help you walk towards the person/relationship you have always wanted & the abundant life God desires for you. My primary passion & skill is in working with couples, women, & those with anxiety. I am a (military) wife of 12 years & a mother of 3 young children. The Lord has also graciously brought me through the other side of my own anxiety battle, so I relate to many of my clients on many levels. I strongly believe people do the best they can. I would be honored to walk beside you and give you the tools you are in desperate need of in life, love and parenting whether it's communication, conflict, or intimacy View 12 Photos With couples, I implement the Gottman method. I help you learn how how to communicate in a healthy way that brings you closer & builds intimacy and trust. I am skilled at helping couples learn how to communicate healthfully & give you guidance on how to do so. I make my clients feel comfortable & safe. I use CBT, ACT, narrative, & solution-focused therapy. My personal relationship with God is everything to me. I'm eager to help you step into the full, abundant life God has waiting for you. I implement biblical principles into our work together as we truly have a guidebook for life, praise God, the Bible!
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