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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Shoreline, WA

location-map Shoreline, WA | (425) 585 4568

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No one has the blueprint for this becoming. Maybe life is overwhelming, you are struggling to start and finish tasks, or thinking you are not good enough. You notice that you are thinking is negative, you feel stressed often, have difficulty concentrating or focusing, and are not sure how to take the first steps to feel better. Maybe these challenges are impacting your well-being, relationships, work, or school. I provide therapy to empower my clients to tackle life with confidence. Clients see me to feel supported in their journey, learn new skills and tools, and tackle life with confidence. I want to meet you where you are. I believe in connections and becoming together. In sessions, we will identify what your current challenges are and work together to use your strengths and new skills to achieve a happier life. Becoming together means so much more than becoming alone. My name is Cheryl and I work with children, adolescents, young adults, and their families to overcome the challenges of this becoming. If you or your loved one are facing challenges today, feel alone, feel unsure where to start or what to do, please reach out for support and a free 20 minute consultation.

location-map Shoreline, WA | (253) 214 9616

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Empowering Children/Adolescents and Their Families Our Children watch us live - what we do shouts louder than what we say! I work with parents, schools and other professionals to come up with a comprehensive plan that will help children/adolescents succeed.