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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Woodinville, WA
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Woodinville, WA | (413) 324 5973
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New Life Skills emerge from the power of self inclusion and the learning of what is really happening, compared to what seems to be. My job is to trust and nurture each individual’s strength with guidance A difficult history need not be an impediment to wellness, but can be a catalyst of positive change. My practice is founded on a base of Sociometry, the study of interactions with self and others; the practice of decision-making and the resolution of difficulty. I will seek understanding of your independent ability and I will trust and assist in the task at hand. We can encounter themes of interpersonal relationship, anger resolution, workplace stress and unresolved history. As a TEP I offer training for life events and certified hours in the study of Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy.. I welcome your inquiry. Following many years of combining creative arts based approaches with practical logic our work will be a co-creating quest, capturing your authority in managing the issues at hand.
Woodinville, WA | (425) 954 3822
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We all want to be seen and understood and at the same time are afraid of what we and others will find. We don't trust ourselves or our decisions. We suffer from anxiety, depression, traumas and a myriad of other relational issues. In counseling we learn to understand ourselves and others by telling our stories well. As a greek philosopher once said, "An unexamined life isn't worth living". When we learn to examine ourselves with curiosity, compassion, and truth our life becomes clear hopeful and fullfilling.
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