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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bayside, WI

location-map Bayside, WI | (414) 775 3296

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From 0 Reviews

As a therapist, I can understand the anxiety and fear surrounding your decision to seek therapy for yourself. I would like to partner with you as you navigate your world. As a therapist, I provide an eclectic approach to counseling, with a belief that in order to understand the present, one must understand his or her past. I operate from a strengths-based perspective because I believe both children and adults are resilient and given the right tools, can solve their own problems. In addition to various mental health issues and concerns, I have an understanding of adoption and foster care, multicultural families and how that impacts one's identity. The 'Who am I and where do I come from?' is an important question that we all ask ourselves.