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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hartland, WI

location-map Hartland, WI | (480) 400 1690

Accepting New Clients

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Accepting New Clients! You tell yourself what happened to you wasn't real, but under the busyness of life you know it was. You see it coming up in you romantic relationships-the same type of person, the same conflict, the same experience that leaves you with a feeling like there's something wrong with you. Or, maybe you see it in your family relationships-wanting them to meet your needs and always being disappointed. Or, maybe you see it coming up in those moments of lost time-your mind spinning around past hurts. No matter how the trauma may surface, you can no longer live like this. You want to feel whole again, to have a sense of peace and joy you may have forgotten or never had from the beginning. You want to have safety and stability in all of your relationships. You want to be seen and heard by those closest to you. You want to grow a healthy sense of balance and interdependence in meeting your needs. I can help. With nearly 4 years of experience at the Willow House at the Meadows, I have helped clients through their most painful traumas. Clients who work with me appreciate my calm demeanor-helping them to feel safe and at ease as they experience healing within themselves and in their relationships. Check out my website and schedule your first appointment today.