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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hudson, WI

location-map Hudson, WI | (715) 666 3363

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I believe life shouldn’t be overwhelming. I believe in the power of self-determination, utilizing strengths, and lifestyle changes to motivate and help increase resiliency and improve life satisfaction. I assess all areas of strength and challenge keeping in mind my clients are the experts within themselves. Together, we develop an individualized plan to reach your goals. I offer a holistic, compassionate, and personalized approach so you can experience peace and gain confidence navigating life’s ups and downs. I with clients who are invested in themselves to put forth the energy and work therapy requires to be successful and heal. View 7 Photos There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to therapy or nutrition coaching so client-centered is my focus. Individualizing services is the number one priority to me whether it's therapy or nutrition based. I work with adults who are experiencing anxiety, stress, life transitions, exploring spirituality,and challenges with self-fulfillment and satisfaction. Starting therapy can be scary and not all therapists take the same approach. You want to make sure your therapist understands your needs and has an approach that aligns with your beliefs about healing. The connection you have with your therapist is unique and powerful; that why I offer a free 10 minute consultation to see if you feel I'm a good fit for you!

location-map Hudson, WI | (715) 203 4021

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I help couples in conflict who want to get to a better place. I enjoy working with spouses and parents in challenging, high-stress family situations to help them find clarity and resolution. I offer a practical approach with usable feedback and guidance. My services include marriage/couples counseling, discernment counseling, and parenting mediation. I have over 23 years of experience in marriage and relationship health, families and children in divorce, family and couples counseling, individual therapy, parenting, and high-conflict mediation. I am also a MN Board-Approved Supervisor for therapists in training. It is important to choose the right professional to fit your needs. Contact me for a free 15-minute phone or video consultation to answer your initial questions.