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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 2 Verified and 4 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Kenosha, WI

location-map Kenosha , WI | (262) 747 2253

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Welcome to Bayfront Therapy, a private practice therapy clinic in Kenosha, WIsconsin. We are committed to providing excellent individualized care (both in-person and virtually) for our clients on their path toward growth and fulfillment. At Bayfront Therapy, our therapists work with clients of all ages. We offer therapy for adults, parents, teens and children. Our team of counselors specializes in stress management, anxiety, depression, family concerns, relationship issues, school stressors, life transitions, anger management, and other mental health related issues. Our Bayfront Therapy team is here to help you. View 4 Photos With over 25 years experience in the field, we are committed to helping clients manage their challenges and achieve their goals through a person-centered therapeutic approach. We specialize in treating anxiety, stress and depression using evidence-based techniques, including mindfulness-based cognitive-behavioral therapy...without judgment. There are so many benefits that can come from therapy. Often it is helpful just to know that someone understands. Therapy can provide a fresh perspective on a difficult problem or point you in the direction of a solution. Many people find therapy to be a tremendous asset to managing personal growth in the midst of the demands of daily life...We are here.

location-map Kenosha , WI | (262) 358 8008

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Licence Information:

5955-125 | Wisconsin

location-map Kenosha , WI | (262) 476 4021

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Choosing to get help and finding a therapist who you feel comfortable with can be difficult. I offer my clients evidence based practices with unbiased compassion and sincere support on their journey to a new beginning. View 7 Photos My focus is trauma, families, parenting and substance abuse. My methods are eclectic and used as needed depending on the unique goals of my clients. I find using Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy on an individual basis to be (by far) the most effective treatment. EMDR is evidenced based primarily with PTSD. Howerver, I have successfully used EMDR to help clients with PTSD anxiety, depression and many other mental health diagnosis.

location-map Kenosha , WI | (414) 768 3261

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Life is a struggle sometimes and even then, it can feel like it is a struggle all the time. This can lead to emotional and physical fatigue/pain resulting in a lack of motivation to have relationships with anyone and even ourselves. When we feel like the world is against us is when it is most important to reach out to someone and that is where a therapeutic relationship comes into play. The therapeutic relationship is one that you can trust, feel no judgment, find guidance, and learn to trust yourself again. In therapy sessions, I focus on what is needed at that time for any client. We all have different needs and the person-centered approach is the most important for this. My style of therapy is to guide you to choosing your own decisions and not choosing them for you. This can consist of CBT, DBT, trauma-informed care and substance abuse therapy. If you hope to regain control of your life, find deeply hidden answers within yourself, or try to find help for a loved one, please reach out. If you decide a couple of weeks into therapy it is not working for you or our therapeutic relationship isn't for you, that's no problem I will help you find someone that is a better match for you.

location-map Kenosha , WI | (336) 970 0523

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I am a Licensed Professional Counselor practicing in WI. Formerly licensed in Ca. & NC. 26+ yrs experience in counseling and education. Specialize in Couple's Counseling. Provide On-line Virtual Therapy but allow the first 2 appts to be Face-to-Face. Experience in the school setting, Behavioral Health In-Patient Hospital setting, Community Services, Intensive and Non-Intensive Family Preservation Services, and Private Practice. I don't accept insurance but my private pay rates are geared at the un-insured and under-insured population. I am passionate about the work I do and have always worked in the helping professions. I am also a full-time caregiver to my husband who has an acute brain trauma due to 2 ruptured brain aneurysms resulting in Vascular Dementia with a memory of < than or = to 1 minute. It has been a challenge for 19 years, but with experience in Special Education, I feel equipped to help him. I believe one of my biggest strengths is that I am resilient and make sure I do a lot of self-care. I maintain a part-time practice.

Licence Information:

6172-125 | Wisconsin

location-map Kenosha , WI | (262) 218 2437

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I have worked in this field since 1997 with an extensive background in substance abuse and mental health counseling. I am currently dual credentialed as a Clinical Substance abuse counselor and mental health therapist. I believe counseling is a team effort and my passion is to provide information, education and motivation for patient’s to make positive changes in their recovery. I am also passionate in inspiring patients to live up to their potential by working hard to achieve their personal goals. My therapeutic approaches include: Person-Centered Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectic Behavioral Therapy.