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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Mcfarland, WI

location-map Mcfarland, WI | (608) 813 8537

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I am here to provide a Client-Focused approach to your therapy work. Prior to finding my calling in Counseling, I worked for years in the Finance and Healthcare fields and developed an authentic passion for service. But I recognized that in order to really support the growth of others, I would need to move beyond the "Business As Usual" model, and create something truly different and worthwhile. To that end, I have developed a counseling practice where your goals are front and center. You determine where and how we will go, and I will provide the flexible support and guidance for your healing journey. Let's get started. Kirk Stone I specialize in supporting individuals and couples throughout the relationship life cycle. Whether you are preparing for a new relationship, navigating the challenges and opportunities of a current partnership, or healing and transitioning from loss, I can help navigate those processes. I also offer counseling for those navigating workplace conflicts/stress. I consider every outreach for therapy to be a success; a WIN. Your researching a new therapist and determining your goals are big first steps, and I want to congratulate you for making an investment for your health and mental/emotional well being. Please contact me should you wish to get started.