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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Oshkosh, WI

location-map Oshkosh, WI | (920) 659 0078

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It can be helpful to work with an outside confidant to gain insight and have help with processing and feelings. I can help you work through anxiety or moods that may be interrupting sleeping or discuss mental health concerns youve never talked about with family. Talking about your story in a safe place can change the next chapter. if you are ready to talk about your story, we can practice coping skills to help make that next chapter easier to live with. I am trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) using a client centered approach and will go at your pace and match your comfort level. View 5 Photos Our brains were conditioned to know images before words. Through the use of creative materials or use of metaphors with games, you can work through emotions which may not be easily accessed from the subconscious mind. Process oriented as opposed to product - You will not need prior experience with art, and you don't have to do art if you choose not to. When trying something new, including trying counseling for the first time, it is important to feel comfortable in sharing thoughts and feelings with whoever you choose. I offer a free brief consultation to meet each other and discuss concerns, We will figure out what works for you together.

location-map Oshkosh, WI | (920) 230 2960

Accepting New Clients

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The clients I work with are coping with not only addiction issues, but are having problems with depression, anxiety, trauma, impulse control problems, anger, and much more. I take a holistic approach to treatment, meaning that in treatment, we focus on the whole person - physical, social, emotional and mental. Addiction and mental health recovery is an active process, and I understand the process. If you are seeking a life of peace and happiness; of successes and reaching goals, I will be your guide. I work alongside the client in a nonjudgmental way, and make observations of the client's thoughts and behaviors, we will focus on mental and behavioral habit change, emphasizing the positives of the clients' lives and their strengths. Addictions and mental health issues traditionally have a stigma related to them. I work hard to stop that stigma. Past treatment views have been harsh regarding relapse and negative behaviors, I take a different approach. If you are unsure about treatment, or are looking for help for a loved one, contact me and we can discuss what is involved.