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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 2 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Racine, WI
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Would you like to transform your life issues into growth and have a deeper connection to your body, health and purpose? I listen with compassion, offer insight, and support you in finding practical solutions for your life issues: depression, anxiety, anger, relationship problems or something else. Over time I will expose you to body-based methods for physical and emotional renewal. Our work might include mindfulness, breath, movement or other body based techniques, which increases self-awareness and empowerment. Finding an understanding of these changes in the context of spirituality is supported if you find this useful. I have significant training in somatic therapy & trauma remediation. These body-centered methods work effectively with the fundamental unity of mind, body and emotions. I counsel with a whole life perspective developed from working extensively in hospice and eldercare, with illness, death, and grief. I have also supported many parents and numerous births. Working to support a full spectrum of life in many capacities has given me unique perspective on being human at any age. This larger view will help you navigate through personal trials toward healing. I will also support you in exploring and finding your natural spirituality in any of its many forms, and work toward a life that is truly fulfilling.
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3434 | Wisconsin
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I use short-term focused therapy to help you solve problems, think positively and effectively, manage feelings, have better relationships and make positive changes in your life.
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