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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Blue Cross Complete

(248) 671 4383

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

Hello, My name is Cassidy Campanale. I am a therapist located in the state of Michigan. I currently hold a LLP license and I am supervised by a fully licensed psychologist. I work with individuals ages 13 and up and I am currently accepting new clients with immediate availability. I am currently seeing clients via teletherapy only. I can be reached by phone/text: 248-671-4383 or by email: (email is the best way to contact me). Here is some more information about me and my approach to treatment: I completed a B.A. degree in psychology at Oakland University in 2020 and an M.A. in clinical psychology at The Michigan School of Psychology in 2022. I completed clinical hours in an integrative healthcare setting working with individuals diagnosed with anxiety, depression, ADHD, OCD, PTSD, etc. My background is in both humanistic and cognitive behavioral therapy. I strive to provide an environment in which individuals feel comfortable and safe in sharing their personal experiences. I believe humanistic principles such as a person-centered approach, self-discovery, and free will are of the utmost importance in therapy. I also incorporate CBT coping techniques into therapy for clients to use as tools outside of sessions. I believe that discovering and using an individual’s strengths to their advantage is integral to the healing process.