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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 2 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ifs-informed

location-map Chesapeake, VA | (757) 493 2912

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Elissa Jarvis, PsyD, LCP, CCTP is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with Rawles & Associates, PLC. Dr. Elissa Jarvis is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Certified Clinical Trauma Professional. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Our Lady of the Lake University, and she received her Master of Arts and Doctorate degrees in Clinical Psychology from Regent University. Dr. Jarvis completed her dissertation on the practice of cultural humility in therapy, and she is passionate about providing culturally sensitive services to individuals who often fall through the cracks of mental health care. Dr. Jarvis also serves on the pastoral care team at a local church. Dr. Jarvis has worked in a variety of mental health settings, including a correctional facility, a group practice, and a Christian-based outpatient clinic. She also completed an APA-accredited internship at the Coatesville VA Medical Center. Dr. Jarvis is especially interested in serving adults and adolescents with depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder. She has experience with providing Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Processing Therapy, Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy, and Motivational Interviewing. She also offers treatment that is informed by Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Dr. Jarvis takes an interpersonal approach to treatment, with a special focus on individualized care that is based on research. She also offers trauma-informed and spiritually-integrated services.

Licence Information:

0810006131 | Virginia

Entrepreneur, Psychotherapist, Podcaster, and Sober Work from Home Mom!

location-map Sacramento , CA | (408) 337 6473

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I provide online counseling for sobriety and mental wellness. I help stressed out high achievers find sobriety and mental balance by providing a safe space to process and talk about job stress, family issues, alcohol & substance use, and many other mental health concerns or stressors clients might be experiencing. My goal is to be collaborative and person centered, I don't have a one-size-fits-all approach to counseling and will utilize various tools such as psychodynamic, CBT, and DBT to name a few.

Licence Information:

LCSW 98948 | Ca