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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Rational Christian Therapy
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Michele Sparks is the owner and director of River of Life Professional Counseling LLC in Hilliard, Ohio ( a suburb of Columbus, Ohio). She enjoys counseling children, families, individual adults, and couples, In addition, she teaches continuing education to mental health professionals. Besides counseling see enjoys writing books and publications about emotional wellness. Michele is a mom to two beautiful daughters and is active in their lives as a devoted single mom. She also is ordained as Christian nondenominational minister. As such she has done ministry both nationally and internationally. She enjoys reading, writing, and learning in generally. Michele is always up for conversations and discussions on almost any topic. She is especially interested in being a support for those requesting Christian and spirituality based professional clinical services for their emotional well being. She considers it an honor to be able to walk alongside people as the narrative of their lives unfolds.
E.0002792 | Ohio
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