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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 4 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Rebt

location-map Brooklyn, NY | (917) 805 9213

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Adam has post-graduate training in modern psychoanalysis from the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center. Also, he has an advanced certificate in Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (RE-CBT) from the Albert Ellis Institute. He has trained at SUNY Downstate Hospital’s Inpatient Psychiatry Unit, and worked for many years at Montefiore Medical Center's Outpatient Psychiatry Department. He is a certified Field Instructor through Fordham University (SIFI) and has provided supervision to other therapists.

Licence Information:

084117 | New York

Founder and Clinical Director

location-map New York , NY | (646) 470 7109

Accepting New Clients

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Licence Information:

088162 | New York

location-map New York , NY | (323) 607 4724

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Seeking out therapy is a sign of strength and you deserve a safe place for discovery. Ultimately therapy is a journey of exploration. I strive to create a therapeutic environment where you genuinely feel understood, heard, and seen in a compassionate, non-judgmental space. Our work together can explore and navigate through your concerns to reach a more meaningful and fulfilling life while reaching your extraordinary potential. Sometimes the discovery is about friends and loved ones. Ultimately, the journey of discovery leads to the "self" and how we interact with others and ourselves. I want to help you on your search toward goals that you decide. I hope you find happiness based on what we discover together. I see our relationship as a collaboration. I previously taught Personality Theory and Cognitive Psychology at Mount St. Mary's University in Los Angeles, CA. I consider myself a lifelong learner with a passion for emerging theories and techniques. I also have an extensive background in business development consulting.

Licence Information:

001630 | New York

Founder, Clinical Director, Muse & Grace Mental Health Counseling

(646) 791 3307

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Licence Information:

009467 | New York