Summary: How stress affects your whole body

  • Name: Hallie Levine Linkwell Health
  • Category: Biotech and Healthcare
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Linkwell Health
  • Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 19 April

Query: I’m looking for experts to interview about stress and how it affects your whole body. Questions include:

  1. What is stress?
  2. What are symptoms of stress? [both physical and emotional symptoms]]
  3. How is stress diagnosed?
  4. How does long-term stress impact your body?
  5. How does long-term stress impact your mind/brain?
  6. How does long-term stress affect your behavior?
  7. How does long-term stress affect your emotions?
  8. How can I relieve stress?
  9. When should I seek professional help?
  10. How can I help prevent stress?

Requirements: MDs and mental health professionals only please. Ideally primary care providers, psychiatrists, and psychologists.

Summary: A Deep Dive into Mental Health in 2023

  • Name: Michael Gilbert Community Health Magazine
  • Category: Biotech and Healthcare
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Community Health Magazine
  • Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 19 April

Query: I am looking to write a deep dive into what it means to be mentally healthy in 2023; essentially, how is ‘mental health’ defined and quantified today, in a time when there is a greater awareness of mental health and how it impacts us as individuals and as a society. I plan to emphasis mental health matters that are not caused by ‘chemical imbalances’ or people whose brains simply don’t functioning normally. My goal is to have story ultimately try to explain how we can better recognize our own mental health challenges and overcome them.

The story will explore/answer:

  1. What is ‘mental health’ today? It used to be diagnosable/institutionalizable disorders (i.e. chemical imbalances, schizophrenia, ‘crazy people’), then progressed in 1990s and first 14-20 years of 2000s to diagnosable but manageable conditions (bipolar, depression), and today has become much more loosely defined and obtusely applicable (being ‘stressed out,’ anxiety, feeling unwell)
  2. Are poor mental health and mental illness more prevalent today? or do we just have a greater awareness/understanding of mental health?
  3. What are the key contributors to poor mental health? (where does it starts impact of poor or compromised mental health on daily life: job performance, relationships, parenting, personal happiness)
  4. Does poor mental health contribute to poverty or does poverty contribute to poor mental health, or does it go both ways?
  5. Why addiction/substance abuse is frequently one-way mental health problems manifest in the individual?
  6. What are other ways people unhealthfully attempt to cope with stress, anxiety and other mental health matters?
  7. Are people more stressed and anxious today, or do we better understand and recognize stress and anxiety?
  8. How trauma can contribute to poor mental health, and how this trauma can be overcome, and what are tools needed to break the cycle of self-sabotage?
  9. What are the best-coping mechanisms?
  10. How can we heal ourselves? (including how we can break the cycle of mental illness being passed down generationally in families)

Requirements: Mental Health Expert, Psychotherapist

About the Author: Belongly
The community for mental health professionals. A free, secure space for mental health professionals to collaborate with and meet new colleagues, support each other through referrals and stay connected to a trusted network of peers.

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