Summary: Sex experts wanted for article about sexual fasting
- Name: Lauren Katulka Kinkly
- Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Kinkly
- Deadline: 2:00 PM EST – 7 August
Query: I am looking for experts to quote for an article about sexual fasting for Kinkly, an educational, sex-positive website. Looking for someone who understands sexual fasting and the trend of abstaining from sex for reasons such as increasing sexual performance and improving the quality of orgasms. Happy for you to answer the following questions through HARO or by emailing me at
- There isn’t a lot of research supporting the claims people make about sexual fasting. Do you think it can help people perform better sexually?
- Do you think it can help people have stronger orgasms?
- How can someone decide if sexual fasting is right for them?
- Do you think there are any drawbacks to sexual fasting?
Requirements: Looking for people who are experts in this area, such as therapists or academics with a special interest in sexual behavior and trends.
Summary: Psychologists and academics on mimetic desire
- Name: Jennifer Sizeland iflscience
- Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
- Email:
- Media Outlet: iflscience
- Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 7 August
Query: Looking for scientific commentary on mimetic desire.
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