Summary: Licensed psychologists and neurologists on what happens to our brains when we have a crush
- Name: Carina Hsieh SELF
- Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
- Email:
- Media Outlet: SELF
- Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 12 December
Query: I’m looking for licensed psychologists (specializing in relationships) and neurologists to answer the following;
- What’s happening in our brains, chemically and emotionally speaking when we have a crush?
- What is happening psychologically and biologically that makes having a crush feel so destabilizing?
Requirements: Licensed psychologists (specializing in relationships) and neurologists on what happens to our brains when we have a crush.
Summary: Expert quotes on “Little Treat Culture” – financial and mental health aspects
- Name: Emese Maczko Wealth of Geeks
- Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Wealth of Geeks
- Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 12 December
Query: I am looking for expert quotes about little treat culture, a trend of indulging in small, impulsive purchases. I need a financial specialist angle on how to avoid spending too much on little treats. I also need a mental health aspect on why people love these little treats, and what can be the drawback if they stop doing that.
Requirements: Financial experts and mental health specialists or psychologists.
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