Summary: Certified psychologist needed for tips on avoiding phone use at night
- Name: Julia Ries Self
- Category: Biotech and Healthcare
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Self
- Deadline: 11:00 AM EST – 29 February
Query: Looking for a psychologist who can provide creative tips for avoiding phone use at night. We want to avoid the common tips like leaving your phone in the other room and share original, creative, practical tips.
- Why is phone use at night such a problem (i.e. it’s addictive, blue light, leads to anxiety + wakefulness, etc)
- Please share 4-5 tips on things to do to break this habit. For each tip, share:
- What it is, how it works
- Why it works
- How to tweak this tip per your needs/preferences
Summary: Seeking psychologists to talk about how your political beliefs impact your sexual preferences
- Category: General
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Anonymous
- Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 29 February
Query: Hi! I’m looking to talk to therapists or psychologists to answer 3-5 quick questions on the relationship (if there is one) between your political beliefs and your sexual tastes
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