Summary: Psychologist, How can exercise boost self-esteem?
- Name: Lauren Bedosky The Beachbody Blog
- Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
- Email:
- Media Outlet: The Beachbody Blog
- Deadline: 7:00 AM EST – 11 January
Query: I’m looking for a psychologist who can answer some questions about how exercise can benefit self-esteem. They include:
- What are the physical signs of low self-esteem?
- How does exercise improve self-esteem? For example, does exercise affect brain function? Give you a sense of accomplishment? Relieve stress? Etc.
- What are some of the best forms of exercise to boost self-esteem? How or why do these exercises build self-confidence?
Requirements: Psychologist
Summary: Need to interview an expert on forming habits
- Name: Theona Layne Theona Layne Freelance Writing Services
- Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Theona Layne Freelance Writing Services
- Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 11 January
Query: I’m a freelance writer working on an article concerning the importance of forming habits. Need to focus on the concept of 66 days to form a habit.
- Why does it take 66 days to form a habit?
- Why is it important to form habits?
- Is good for mental and physical health?
Requirements: Must be a psychologist or expert in forming habits. Please supply a link to your LinkedIn profile so I can vet you. Thanks
Summary: Therapist/Psychologist to Talk About the Word “Narcissist”
- Category: General
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Anonymous
- Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 11 January
Query: We use this word a lot to describe people with abusive tendencies, but is it doing a disservice? What are the dangers of calling every abuser a narcissist (or assuming it’s the same as a medical diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder), or is it a label that helps more victims understand that this abuse isn’t their fault? Looking for a mental health professional who would feel comfortable being interviewed for a podcast to discuss the pros and cons of this word becoming so widely used. Please have experience working with survivors of domestic violence
Summary: How to Get Teens to Spend Time With Their Parents
- Name: Jamie Smith Yahoo
- Category: General
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Yahoo
- Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 11 January
Query: I am looking for two things:
- An expert psychologist who can talk about the need for tweens/teens to have independence and spend time away from their family as well as how parents can encourage them to spend time with their parents/family.
- Parents of teens who have struggled with this and any solutions they have found to get their teens to want to spend time with them – or at least do so without complaining too much.
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