Summary: The Reluctant Caregiver – Psychological Perspective

  • Name: Sheryl Stillman Next Avenue
  • Category: Biotech and Healthcare
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Next Avenue
  • Deadline: 6:00 PM EST – 22 January

Query: Seeking a licensed psychologist to speak to the dynamics when a parent or relative has caused harm to now a potential caregiver (daughter, son, grandchild) and has not apologized or changed; or took responsibility for their own behavior, and repaired the relationship.

Requirements: Licensed Psychologist Well-versed in family trauma

Summary: Violence at Youth Sporting Events

  • Name: Maria Wood New Jersey State Bar Association
  • Category: Sports
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: New Jersey State Bar Association
  • Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 22 January

Query: I’m doing an article on the rise in violent assaults at youth sporting events in New Jersey and across the country. Why is this happening now and how can it be stopped?

Requirements: I’d like to speak to a psychologist to understand why violent assaults are happening at youth sporting events now. I’d like to speak to a New Jersey-based psychologist, but that’s not necessary.

About the Author: Belongly
The community for mental health professionals. A free, secure space for mental health professionals to collaborate with and meet new colleagues, support each other through referrals and stay connected to a trusted network of peers.

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