Summary: The Value of Love/The Necessity of Loving
- Name: Michael Gilbert Community Health Magazine
- Category: Biotech and Healthcare
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Community Health Magazine
- Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 29 January
Query: This story will look at how love impacts health and wellness for the giver and receiver. The goal is to answer these questions:
- Do we need to love and be loved?
- What is love and the act of love? Is love an act or an idea? Can it be defined? What does it mean to love or to be loved?
- The different dynamics of love: partner-partner, parent-child, friend-friend
- Can you love when emotion is subtracted from the situation?
- What does it mean to love your fellow man?
Requirements: Possible sources include psychologists, clergy, counselor or therapist
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