Summary: The Value of Love/The Necessity of Loving

  • Name: Michael Gilbert Community Health Magazine
  • Category: Biotech and Healthcare
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Community Health Magazine
  • Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 29 January

Query: This story will look at how love impacts health and wellness for the giver and receiver. The goal is to answer these questions:

  1. Do we need to love and be loved?
  2. What is love and the act of love? Is love an act or an idea? Can it be defined? What does it mean to love or to be loved?
  3. The different dynamics of love: partner-partner, parent-child, friend-friend
  4. Can you love when emotion is subtracted from the situation?
  5. What does it mean to love your fellow man?

Requirements: Possible sources include psychologists, clergy, counselor or therapist

About the Author: Belongly
The community for mental health professionals. A free, secure space for mental health professionals to collaborate with and meet new colleagues, support each other through referrals and stay connected to a trusted network of peers.

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