Summary: Seeking therapists to share insight into why people get the urge to cheat in relationships

  • Name: Rebecca Strong AskMen
  • Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: AskMen
  • Deadline: 10:00 AM EST – 17 July

Query: Looking for therapists and relationship experts to answer the following: (The headline for the article is “Tempted to Cheat on Your Partner? Here’s What That Urge is Telling You — & What to Do About It”)

  1. According to recent studies on the subject, people cheat for two primary reasons: their sex life isn’t satisfying, or they’re craving novelty. Can you explain why these are two factors that are within someone’s control to change?
  2. When someone feels the urge to cheat on their partner (say, with a cute coworker, an ex, or someone they met at a party) what can that urge tell them? Why are they considering cheating? Explain several different possibilities and how those factors might drive someone to cheat.
  3. Please share some advice on how to cope with these urges. What can someone do to stop themselves from cheating? What steps might they want to take in their relationship to prevent them from wanting to cheat?
  4. Do you ever recommend telling your partner you thought about cheating? Could that ever be beneficial or do you think it’ll always do more harm than good?

Requirements: Source must be a psychologist, therapist, or work in a field related to relationships

Summary: IL and MI Therapists & Social Media Experts

Query: I’m writing an article about social media usage for kids, and I was hoping Illinois and Michigan-based experts on this topic and therapists could answer a few questions for my story:

  1. How bad is social media for kids, and why?
  2. What are the latest social media trends to watch for in kids?
  3. How should you set boundaries for kids when they’re online?
  4. If all of your child’s friends are on social media, how do you handle your own rules?
  5. Is there anything positive about social media for kids?
  6. At what age should you allow your child to be on social media?
  7. How can you empower your children to be smarter about what they look at/believe with regard to social media?
  8. What’s your full name, job title and where are you based?

Requirements: Illinois and Michigan sources only please.

Summary: Moral Code – The importance of being the first to apologize

  • Name: Managing Editor Mass Appeal magazine
  • Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Mass Appeal magazine
  • Deadline: 10:00 PM EST – 17 July

Query: Society has changed greatly and so has the moral code. This week we want to discuss apologies. Specifically, we want to offer the argument that it’s always better to be the first to apologize in a fight between friends, coworkers, partners, etc. Tell us the positives of being the first to apologize, how to forgo pride, and offer some scenarios.


Requirements: We want to hear from therapists, psychologists, etc. Please include your social media handles.

Summary: Body Talk – How to appear confident with body language

  • Name: Managing Editor Mass Appeal magazine
  • Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Mass Appeal magazine
  • Deadline: 10:00 PM EST – 17 July

Query: This week, we want to discuss body language and its correlation with confidence. How can one show confidence with their stance, facial expressions, hands, etc. How can one try to remember these moves when under pressure but wanting to look put together?


Requirements: The more in-depth your answers the more likely they will be published. We want to hear from body language experts, mental health professionals, etc. Please include social media handles as well.

About the Author: Belongly
The community for mental health professionals. A free, secure space for mental health professionals to collaborate with and meet new colleagues, support each other through referrals and stay connected to a trusted network of peers.

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