Summary: Guide to love languages
- Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Anonymous
- Deadline: 12:00 PM EST – 20 July
Query: Hi there, I am writing an easy guide to love languages that explains each language in depth. I want to include which pairs well and would like expert advice from licensed therapists.
Summary: Psychologist quotes – Inferiority Complex
- Name: Breanna Mona Forbes Health
- Category: Biotech and Healthcare
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Forbes Health
- Deadline: 1:00 PM EST – 20 July
Query: I’m looking for licensed psychologists, preferably those with experience/background in inferiority complex. Please comment on the questions below in complete sentences and in your own words. Questions:
- What is inferiority complex?
- Causes of inferiority complex?
- Signs of inferiority complex?
- Strategies for overcoming inferiority complex?
Requirements: Please note all quotes submitted to me will run through a plagiarism detector. I am seeking valuable expert information in your own words and will not quote plagiarized material.
Summary: How to calm first date jitters
- Name: Brianna Graham Verywell Mind
- Category: Biotech and Healthcare
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Verywell Mind
- Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 20 July
Query: We’re focusing on mental headspace, presentation, preparing for conversation/small talk, recognizing what you want or need from the date/future partners, and how to really be yourself, so I want to ask mental health professionals the following questions;
- Are first-date jitters normal?
- How can people who have social anxiety calm first-date jitters?
- What are some actionable tips to help set the tone for a good first date and calm your nerves?
Requirements: Relationship therapists, psychologists, and other licensed relationship experts.
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