Summary: Talking about open relationships

  • Name: Hope Gillette Psych Central
  • Category: Biotech and Healthcare
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Psych Central
  • Deadline: 7:00 AM EST – 28 July

Query: Hi everyone! I have a piece coming up on what it means to be in an open relationship. I’m looking for quotes on:

  1. What is an open relationship? How is it different from polyamory?
  2. Why do people decide to be in an open relationship? (Psychological insights)
  3. What are some ways to know an open relationship is for you?
  4. What are some tips for discussing opening a relationship with your partner?
  5. Are open relationships less successful than monogamous ones?

As always, I need a link to your professional bio page on a private practice site, commercial employer, or academia. I can’t use bios from general internet directories or competitor content sites. If you’d like to learn more about me and what I write, you can visit my author pages:


Requirements: Mental health professionals. Thank you!

Summary: ADHD and Alcohol/Marijuana/Recreational Drugs

  • Name: Mary Fetzer ADHD Online
  • Category: General
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: ADHD Online
  • Deadline: 12:00 PM EST – 28 July

Query: Do alcohol, marijuana, and other recreational drugs affect people with ADHD differently? Are people with ADHD more likely to indulge?

Requirements: Looking for input from mental health experts

Summary: Looking for experts for a story Hip-Hop Therapy and Mental Health

  • Name: Breanna Robinson Okayplayer
  • Category: Entertainment and Media
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Okayplayer
  • Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 28 July

Query: Greetings! My name is Breanna Robinson, and I am writing a story about Hip-Hop Therapy and the positive impacts it has on mental health and growth in people. Please answer the following questions below.

  1. What is Hip-Hop Therapy and why was it implemented?
  2. How does Music Therapy help people?
  3. Why is Hip-Hop a better genre to explore versus other genres of music for therapy?
  4. Any other comments you’d like to contribute?

Requirements: Social worker, hip-hop, or mental health expert. Thanks!

About the Author: Belongly
The community for mental health professionals. A free, secure space for mental health professionals to collaborate with and meet new colleagues, support each other through referrals and stay connected to a trusted network of peers.

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