Summary: Looking for mental health experts to comment on “Ikigai” and traits of people who live the longest

  • Name: Katherine Chang The Everygirl
  • Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: The Everygirl
  • Deadline: 11:00 AM EST – 8 June

Query: Looking for mental health professionals to answer the following questions (the more detailed, the better):

  1. What is “Ikigai”?
  2. Why is it that a positive attitude and a high degree of emotional awareness are personality traits that people who live the longest and happiest have in common?
  3. What constitutes a positive attitude?
  4. What constitutes a high degree of emotional awareness?
  5. How does one develop both traits?

Summary: Myths About Mental Illness

  • Name: Hallie Levine Linkwell Health
  • Category: Biotech and Healthcare
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Linkwell Health
  • Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 8 June

Query: Looking for therapists to discuss common myths about mental illness. These include things like;

  1. They are rare
  2. Treatment is a sign of weakness (therapy, counseling or antidepressants)
  3. Mental health issues or treatment can only be treated in medication
  4. It’s a choice (you can “make” yourself feel better)
  5. People who struggle with a mental illness are incompetent, dangerous or crazy.

Requirements: Licensed therapists

Summary: Couples therapists needed for two stories

Query: Looking for couples therapists to discuss:

  1. What to say during a fight if you have different attachment styles (this piece would include a brief explanation of what attachment styles are, followed by some tips on what to say if you have different ones)
  2. Manipulation Tactics Narcissists Use (looking for someone to provide about seven tactics and how to spot them)

Requirements: Licensed experts only. Must be able to respond to email interview questions

Summary: Sexual Tension

  • Name: Stephanie Barnes MindBodyGreen
  • Category: General
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: MindBodyGreen
  • Deadline: 11:00 PM EST – 8 June

Query: Looking for sex therapists and or psychologists to talk about sexual tension. What it is, how to create it, and so on.

Requirements: Must be a certified sex therapist and or psychologist.

About the Author: Belongly
The community for mental health professionals. A free, secure space for mental health professionals to collaborate with and meet new colleagues, support each other through referrals and stay connected to a trusted network of peers.

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