Summary: How to identify and deal with a narcissist?
- Name: Krati Mehra Mind Body Green
- Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Mind Body Green
- Deadline: 6:00 AM EST – 24 June
Query: Hello! I am looking for expert opinions on how best to identify and deal with a narcissist. So I want to ask;
- Why it’s important to know the right way of dealing with a narcissist?
- Can someone have narcissistic traits without having narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)?
- How does NPD show up in relationships and how it affects the wellbeing of the partner and the relationship itself?
- What are some tips you can share that can help a person deal with a narcissist? Is walking away always the better option?
- How do you shut down a narcissist?
- What should you never do around a narcissist?
- What’s the best way to mentally win against a narcissist?
Requirements: Seeking experts in therapy, psychology, and/or relationships
Summary: Need child mental healthcare provider to discuss weighted stuffed animals – potential benefits
- Name: BethAnn Clyde Popsugar
- Category: General
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Popsugar
- Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 24 June
Query: Looking for a mental healthcare provider who treats pediatric patients to discuss why some kids respond well to weighted stuffed animals for anxiety.
Requirements: Must be a child mental healthcare professional, I need answers to a couple of very brief questions on weighted stuffed animals by Monday 6/26 at noon
Summary: Therapists – Signs you’re falling out of love
- Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Anonymous
- Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 24 June
Query: I’m writing an article about signs that you’re falling out of love. I was hoping that therapists could answer the following questions for my story:
- What are some signs that you may be falling out of love with your partner, and how do you decipher whether you’re just comfortable with him/her or are actually not in love with them anymore?
- How do you determine if you should work on your relationship or give up on it?
Requirements: I need your full name, job title, license and practice location
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