Summary: Saffron for depression

  • Name: Sarah Barkley Healthline / Psych Central
  • Category: General
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Healthline / Psych Central
  • Deadline: 10:00 AM EST – 27 March

Query: I’m looking for experts to help me with the following questions:

  1. Does saffron help with depression?
  2. When is the best time to take saffron supplements and are there recommended dosages to treat/manage depression?
  3. How long will it take for saffron to relieve symptoms?
  4. Saffron benefits and explanation of how it helps.
  5. Saffron side effects.
  6. How to use saffron for depression: food, drinks, supplement methods, etc.

Summary: Why is collecting vinyl so popular among teens?

  • Name: Neia Balao Yahoo News
  • Category: Entertainment and Media
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Yahoo News
  • Deadline: 3:00 PM EST – 27 March

Query: I am writing a story about the growing popularity of vinyl collecting among teens. Of course, this isn’t exactly a new thing — seems like it’s been happening for some time now! – but it feels like teens are especially in on crafting vinyl collections. Would love to chat with an expert as to why they think this is the case.

  1. Why are teens collecting vinyls?
  2. Why are they compelled to do this? Do they actually listen to the vinyl or is it strictly for collection/aesthetic purposes? Would love if there was some research on this!

Requirements: Culture writer, technology, teens, psychiatrist, therapist, teen behavioral professional, trending writer

About the Author: Belongly
The community for mental health professionals. A free, secure space for mental health professionals to collaborate with and meet new colleagues, support each other through referrals and stay connected to a trusted network of peers.

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