Summary: Saffron for depression
- Name: Sarah Barkley Healthline / Psych Central
- Category: General
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Healthline / Psych Central
- Deadline: 10:00 AM EST – 27 March
Query: I’m looking for experts to help me with the following questions:
- Does saffron help with depression?
- When is the best time to take saffron supplements and are there recommended dosages to treat/manage depression?
- How long will it take for saffron to relieve symptoms?
- Saffron benefits and explanation of how it helps.
- Saffron side effects.
- How to use saffron for depression: food, drinks, supplement methods, etc.
Summary: Why is collecting vinyl so popular among teens?
- Name: Neia Balao Yahoo News
- Category: Entertainment and Media
- Email:
- Media Outlet: Yahoo News
- Deadline: 3:00 PM EST – 27 March
Query: I am writing a story about the growing popularity of vinyl collecting among teens. Of course, this isn’t exactly a new thing — seems like it’s been happening for some time now! – but it feels like teens are especially in on crafting vinyl collections. Would love to chat with an expert as to why they think this is the case.
- Why are teens collecting vinyls?
- Why are they compelled to do this? Do they actually listen to the vinyl or is it strictly for collection/aesthetic purposes? Would love if there was some research on this!
Requirements: Culture writer, technology, teens, psychiatrist, therapist, teen behavioral professional, trending writer
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