Summary: Work with disabled kids? Seeking podcast and youtube/FB live guests

Query: Seeking professionals who work with IEP students, even if not working with actual IEP. Psychologists, psychiatrists, SLP, OT, PT, MD and more. Parents are particularly interested in the following topics: school refusal, autism, life skills, job training, college or postsecondary with a disability, reading/writing/dyslexia, any of the “4 D” learning disabilities, executive functioning, child and teen mental health. But, any related topic will be considered.

Requirements: Agree to a 20-30 minute chat for my podcast; content will be repurposed on FB, youtube and other outlets. You are allowed to pitch your product or service, as long as it’s related to IEP students. Website/blog receives over 700k views per month, page has 130k followers.

Summary: How To Help A Child With Anxiety

  • Name: Wendy Wisner PARENTS
  • Category: Biotech and Healthcare
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: PARENTS
  • Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 1 May

Query: I’m looking to connect with licensed mental health professionals who work with children to offer tips for helping a child with anxiety. What I am looking for is my actionable suggestions for how parents can help their children, along with a 1-2 sentence explanation from an expert. Some potential examples include;

  1. Validate your child’s fears
  2. Understand their symptoms
  3. Teach them relaxation techniques

But what I want most is your own best tips based on your experience as a therapist

Requirements: Licensed mental health professionals who work with children. Thank you!

About the Author: Belongly
The community for mental health professionals. A free, secure space for mental health professionals to collaborate with and meet new colleagues, support each other through referrals and stay connected to a trusted network of peers.

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