Summary: Psychologist or LMFT for relationship article

Query: I am looking for a licensed psychologist (PhD, PsyD) or LMFT to comment on a story about falling out of love. Please include your degree, credentials, and background. Thank you!

Requirements: PhD, PsyD, LMFT.

Summary: 5 Things You Should Never Have in Your Bedroom, Relationship Experts Say

  • Name: Kali Coleman Best Life Online
  • Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Best Life Online
  • Deadline: 2:00 PM EST – 6 May

Query: Whether you’re already in a relationship or looking to get into one, your partner is likely to get a closer look into your bedroom than most people at some point. Thinking about this;

  1. What are five things someone should never have in their bedroom?
  2. Why is every one of them a bad thing to have in this room?
  3. Why might this put your partner off or be something they don’t like? If it’s something they want to keep, where should they think about keeping it? Or is this something they should get rid of altogether? Why or why not?
  4. Is there anything else you think people should know about this topic?

Requirements: Looking for relationship experts and therapists only. Please explain how your expertise is relevant to this story in your response.

Summary: Psychologist who can talk about our need to visit movie sets on holiday

Query: Would like to hear from a psychologist who can talk about the trend for visiting movie sets on holiday. Eg a hotel where a TV show was shot or a city where a particular scene took place. What does this do for us emotionally?

Requirements: Qualified psychologist

About the Author: Belongly
The community for mental health professionals. A free, secure space for mental health professionals to collaborate with and meet new colleagues, support each other through referrals and stay connected to a trusted network of peers.

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