Summary: Looking for relationship experts/therapists for dating tips
- Name: Phoebe Pierce TBD
- Category: Lifestyle and Fitness
- Email:
- Media Outlet: TBD
- Deadline: 7:00 PM EST – 15 October
Query: Looking for relationship experts on how to stay present while dating, what specific things to look for, specific ways to establish boundaries, etc. Instead of dating to find “the one” or “the love of your life” etc.
- What are concrete things you can search for to show evidence that you share similar values? Is compatibility based on shared values?
- What are boundaries you can implement in any phase of dating to establish your ideal relationship?
- What are good communication topics and tips?
- Any other tips during the dating period?
Requirements: Therapist, Certified Relationship or Family Coach or Counselor. Thank you!
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