Summary: Mental health experts/doctors – What are the benefits of crying?

  • Name: Lauren Gray Best Life Online
  • Category: General
  • Email:
  • Media Outlet: Best Life Online
  • Deadline: 9:00 AM EST – 4 October

Query: Hi, I’m looking for mental health experts and doctors/health experts who can tell me about the specific ways that people may benefit from crying. Please share 4-6 ways that crying can be useful, and why it makes a difference.

Requirements: Please also include your full name, license, title, and a link to your professional site so I can credit your quotes!

Summary: What makes a narcissist?

Query: What causes people to become narcissists? Based on the following study, I would like to interview experts on the making of this personality type.

Requirements: Counselors, experts, psychologists

About the Author: Belongly
The community for mental health professionals. A free, secure space for mental health professionals to collaborate with and meet new colleagues, support each other through referrals and stay connected to a trusted network of peers.

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