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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 5 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In None
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Louisville, CO | (720) 470 2028
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I have 40 years of experience working in mental health in hospitals, psychiatric outpatient clinics, and private practice.
0127 | Colorado
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I am Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a private practice in Newport Beach CA and a graduate of Pepperdine University. My primary treatment approach is psychodynamic psychotherapy. Ideal clients are adult individuals who are committed to doing the challenging work of therapy. I help clients recognize and use existing problem-solving capabilities and teach new skills as needed. I help clients understand why their life doesn't seem to get any better, and why they can keep picking the same type of partner or repeat ineffective behavior. Clients learn how family of origin patterns from childhood can keep repeating and how to change these and other ineffective relationship patterns. Before becoming a therapist, I worked as a mechanical engineer and technical manager. I often teach logical thinkers about emotions and how relationships work. Women learn how to get men to listen, so that they feel heard. Men learn how to meet women's emotional needs and to understand their own reactions in emotional situations.
LMFT #36314 | California
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My longtime dream of creating a multi-modality “mind wellness” center finally come true in August 2022, after years of painstaking work and finding just the right “experts” to join me in turning this dream into a reality. The Blue Blanket, Inc. has opened its doors in Asheville, North Carolina with virtual and self-paced seminars and weeklong retreats that have their roots in psychology and neuroscience, but also include mindfulness, art therapy, yoga, acceptance & commitment therapy, sound healing, journaling, forest bathing, and so much more. My background includes individual and group therapy for those with a wide array of diagnoses, and working in environments such as psychiatric hospitals, nonprofits, hospice, elementary schools, and a private practice. The Blue Blanket aims to help not only people with diagnosable mental conditions, but also those who feel overwhelmed, weary, discouraged, dissatisfied, or are looking for direction and purpose for their lives. Our website is
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Sean is the owner of Neuro Colorado. He is passionate about pursuing a full and meaningful life for himself and other around him. He thrives by helping others grow, learn, and heal. Sean believes Neuro Colorado is an excellent environment for this to happen. He has a rich and diverse academic background, with degrees in organizational development, counseling, and theology, and a great love for the outdoors. In addition to his interest in outdoor sports, he also enjoys building things: relationships, community, and a deeper knowledge of the way things work. Sean is Board Certified and trained in multiple types of Neurofeedback and Neurostimulation as well as advanced trainings in psychotherapy techniques such as EMDR and Internal Family Systems.
LPC 11636 | Colorado
Sex Therapist
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Tori Ricci is a certified clinical sexologist and a licensed clinical social worker. She has master’s degrees in both exercise science and social work. She is a psychotherapist that specializes in sex, relationships, and connection. She currently has a private practice where she sees clients statewide via telehealth. She is passionate about helping both individuals and couples to create healthy intimacy and fulfilling relationships. The bulk of her work revolves around supporting challenges such as - desire discrepancy, communication deficits, lack of connection or intimacy, illness or disability barriers, orgasm dysfunction, relationship restructuring, and grief. She has been working with couples and individuals in a variety of settings for the last 15 years – including marriage counseling, neuro-degenerative medicine, grief counseling, and disability programs. She has spent the last 5 years focusing on treating the whole person or couple through a variety of therapeutic modalities and strongly believes everyone deserves to feel intention and connection within themselves and their relationships. More personally, she is a devoted spouse, mother, and animal advocate.
SW20781 | Florida
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