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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 9 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In OptumRx Inc
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We are clinicians who practice using a trauma-informed care approach. Each of us work with individuals as well as couples and have primarily daytime availability (although some have Saturday availability.) We are currently in network with Aetna, Anthem, Empire BCBS, Cigna, Magnacare, and United Health Care. We are out of network with Tricare and Beacon Health Options, however, we can utilize out of network benefits to bill directly. We are a 100% telehealth practice and are licensed in New York.
92425 | New York
5118 - 226 | Wisconsin
Santa Barbara , CA | (805) 350 6099
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Hola! I am a first generation Latina, who had many of her own life struggles but as result fueled my passion to help others acquire that their is hope for a better life and be true to yourself. Life is a journey and life is the experience that write the pages of our our true stories. I had to learn how to make something out of nothing and truly believe that we all have that inner strengths, and gifts. Allow me to walk this journey with you. I learned that you can lose everything but not the resources you have within. I also work with empathy and highly sensitive individuals. Aquí los espero!
LMFT 80561 | California
66700 | Texas
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009143-1 | New York
Integrative NeuroCounseling
St Louis , MO | (314) 566 6160
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Nichole is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Nationally Board Certified (NCC) with a diplomate level credentialing at the American Academy of Traumatic Experts (DAAETS). She also has completed Certifications as a Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP) and a Neuroscience Certificate for Clinical Practice. Additionally, Nichole has trained in Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) and is a neurocoach with an NLP Master Practitioner Certification. She recently completed the Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath Certified Practitioner and a Certified Multiple Brain Integration Technique (mBIT) Coach Certification. She earned her Masters of Counseling at Lindenwood University and her Bachelors of Science in Business Management and Psychology at Central Methodist University. Nichole received additional education from Lutheran School of Nursing and Liberty University Philosophy and Religious Studies. Nichole is a member of The American Counseling Association, International Association of Trauma Professionals, The Society for Neuroscience, a member of International Crisis Intervention Team and a member of The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress.
2015029916 | Missouri
Burlington , NJ | (484) 515 6125
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We are hiring! We are accepting clients in our NJ office and on line.
37PC00591200 | New Jersey
56661 | Texas
PC010045 | Pennslyvania
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