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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 10 Verified and 6 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bibliotherapy
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Winston Salem, NC | (336) 717 0541
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Life can be viewed as a series of successes and disappointments. We often have people who support us in the highs but may not know how to help us through the lows. I would be honored to be that person for you! While we cannot be perfect, we can be healthy in mind, body, and spirit! I believe that God can use every event, mistake, achievement, frustration, setback and triumph to help us prosper and be well. I use Christian Counseling as a means to connect our pain and mental challenges to living in balance between the highs and lows. I work with adolescents, adults, and families. I have experience with issues of depression, anxiety, grief, trauma, relational issues, and substance abuse. I use interactive interventions with talk therapy in the client experience. I am confident that hope and healing is possible for anyone! If you are ready to take one step toward easing the pains of life, hesitate no longer! Remember, nothing changes if nothing changes… please call or email to schedule an appointment. I currently offer day and evening sessions. I look forward to meeting you!
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Are you dealing with grief, trauma, relationship problems, or marital issues, such as unsettled disagreements, infidelity, or divorce? Perinatal or postpartum concerns, including loss or loneliness? Are you having difficulty navigating life and relationships due to depression, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, sexual concerns, spiritual issues, or anger? These are critical areas of your life where a therapist would greatly benefit you. If you are looking for a therapist who will be there to help you work through those complicated feelings and to help you take control of your life, then I look forward to hearing from you. My expertise is derived not just from academic pursuits but also from personal experience. With an authentic holistic approach that enables me to treat the mind, body, and soul of who you indeed are. My specialties are in areas that can benefit clients of all ages. With productive sessions, I will help you put all the pieces back together. You are valuable and needed in this place we call life. Your hard times should not come to destroy you but to strengthen you. We all fall sometimes and need someone to help us get back up. Someone to show us the whys. I want to be your person. Thank you for putting your wellness first so you can care for everyone and everything else.
Board Certified Educational Therapist & Professional Certified Coach
Westchester , NY | (646) 831 2001
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San Francisco , CA | (415) 625 3565
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After specializing in treating anxiety for 40+ years, my practice is currently closed. If you have panic attacks, read "Overcoming Anxiety and Panic interactive guide" (available in paperback or ebook on amazon). See for details and links to videos and podcast interviews.
PSY6737 | California
Los Angeles , CA | (951) 295 7053
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I am the Clinic Director for Ellie Mental Health in San Dimas, CA. We have therapists who specialize in working with individuals (5 yo +), couples, families, and groups. We pride ourselves in providing culturally sensitive care and approaches. We are a diverse group of clinicians. Personally, I specialize in TF-CBT and limited psychodynamic modality.
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79643 | Texas
Santa Barbara , CA | (805) 350 6099
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Hola! I am a first generation Latina, who had many of her own life struggles but as result fueled my passion to help others acquire that their is hope for a better life and be true to yourself. Life is a journey and life is the experience that write the pages of our our true stories. I had to learn how to make something out of nothing and truly believe that we all have that inner strengths, and gifts. Allow me to walk this journey with you. I learned that you can lose everything but not the resources you have within. I also work with empathy and highly sensitive individuals. Aquí los espero!
LMFT 80561 | California
84709 | California
Fredericksburg, VA | (407) 265 6032
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I believe the problems that direct clients into counseling are emotional, physical, and spiritual. Therefore, the whole person must be addressed and treated as a unique and complex individual. As a Christian therapist, I help clients get to the root causes of their distress and assist them to find answers by using solution focused therapy. While some long-term therapy is a necessity I take pride in helping people set goals and objectives to find answers to their issues and struggles. Discover your hidden strengths and find an inner peace that brings stability amidst your storm. I counsel adults, couples, & families. I direct clients to make life altering changes & decisions that can redirect the negative path they may be traveling. I believe no matter how desperate or hopeless a situation may be, that with faith, all things are possible and a crisis is an opportunity for growth. I work with clients to establish a treatment plan that can be effectively budgeted into your income. Don't delay in getting the help you need in facing your difficulties.
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Whether you are seeking therapy for yourself, your child or your family. I am here to help offer guidance, understanding and compassion as we work together to cultivate the personal growth you desire. Through my use of play, ACT, Narrative and CBT practices I create a secure, trauma-informed environment that promotes safety and healing. I use a strengths-based, person-centered approach to therapy that allows me to build a relationship and experience that is catered to your uniqueness. I seek to foster trusting rapport where you or your child can feel safe sharing the vulnerable parts of you. I have 10 yrs of experience serving children, youth & families, with a variety of needs, including; grief and trauma processing, & emotional regulation. I am a mother of two children & have a passion for perinatal mental health advocacy. I attempt in all that I do to prioritize social justice & am passionate about supporting LGBTQIA+ identified individuals. You are the author of your story, and you are the expert of your own life. I’m passionate about helping whoever I serve, find acceptance for all the pieces of themselves and emotions they hold, whether difficult or comforting . Let us work together to shed the shames we and society place on ourselves, and find connection to our soul.
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