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  • If you’re like me, and most of the clients I work with, your mind is a noisy place. It’s constantly chattering away—offering advice, second-guessing decisions, revisiting past mistakes, even catastrophizing about the future. This mental chatter can be like having an unhelpful, judgmental, and opinionated backseat driver in your own head.

    “The most difficult times for many of us are the ones we give ourselves.” -Pema Chödrön

    The human brain, being the product of millennia of evolutionary fine-tuning, isn’t designed to keep you happy. It’s designed to keep you alive. Which is why the mind is so quick to highlight potential dangers, obsess over problems, and ensure you never get too comfortable. We have a built in bias to notice and prioritize problems for our survival.

    In short, the very same mental machinery that helped your ancestors avoid being eaten by predators, is now being deployed to warn and remind you about that awkward thing you said in a meeting three weeks ago.

    So, what can be done?

    Most of us instinctively try to fight against this mental noise—to push it away, drown it out, or scold ourselves for having

    Published On: Sunday, February 9, 20259.5 min read